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Some passing clouds. Low 58F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph..
Some passing clouds. Low 58F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
Fulton family-owned business N.E.T. & Die support Fulton Block Builders. From left are: cousins Patrick Poyneer, shipping and receiving manager; Michelle Shatrau, president and CEO; and Robert “Boog” Shatrau production manager.
Fulton family-owned business N.E.T. & Die support Fulton Block Builders. From left are: cousins Patrick Poyneer, shipping and receiving manager; Michelle Shatrau, president and CEO; and Robert “Boog” Shatrau production manager.
FULTON - N.E.T. & Die President and CEO, Michelle Shatrau has noticed the positive changes happening in the city of Fulton and wanted N.E.T. & Die to be a part of this success. “We are pleased to make a donation of $500 and support the Fulton Block Builderr (FBB) transformation initiative. We are proud to be a part of the City of Fulton and want to support projects that make the city a better place to live and work.”
N.E.T. & Die, Inc. is a third generation family-owned and operated CNC machine shop located in Fulton since the 1960s. They provide custom, prototype, low volume production and repair machined products. They have manufactured large items such as staging equipment for cruise ships and Las Vegas casinos and small items like tank scopes for the military. With over 500 years of manufacturing experience, their team can provide unparalleled engineering support and machining expertise.
Linda Eagan, FBB Director said “the support of our local businesses has been heartwarming and inspiring. We welcome N.E.T. & Die’s support and thank them for their confidence in the work FBB is doing.”
The Fulton Block Builder project is dedicated to revitalizing Fulton’s neighborhoods one block at a time. The core feature of this approach is to build on strengths rather than just fix weaknesses. Property owners working together in one block builds community and generates confidence.
To learn more about Fulton Block Builders go to the website: or on the Facebook page at
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