Halo Infinite Online Co-Op and Forge to Launch in November, Season 3 Delayed to March 2023

2022-09-10 03:59:30 By : Ms. Polyster KLX

343 Industries has released an updated roadmap for future update for Halo Infinite. This includes a number of delays. 

The beta for Forge Mode and campaign network co-op will launch on November 8 as part of a Winter Update. 343 Industries has decided to cancel split-screen co-op entirely.

"We have had to make the difficult decision not to ship campaign splitscreen co-op and take the resources that we would use on that and go after this list and all these other things that we're going to talk about," said Joseph Staten, the head of Creative at 343 Industries.

The Winter Update will run from November 8 to March 7. Alongside Forge and online co-op, it will also add a free 30 tier Battle Pass, two new maps called Detachment and Argyle that will showcase what Forge is capable of, a match XP beta, the new Covert One Flag mode, the Winter Contingency II December event, and quality of life improvements.

Season 3 will run from March 7 to June 27. It will ad new maps for Arena and Big Team Battle, the new M392 Bandit weapons, new Shroud Screen equipment, a new 100 tier Battle Pass, custom game browser, in-game reporting, new VIP and Escalation game modes, a new Fracture event, new narrative event, update to the Forge beta, and quality of life improvements.

Check out the complete roadmap below:

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo  was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own  YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

They should never have launched this game on Xbox one, should have been a series X|S and PC exclusive

Either that, or they should have done what EA did with the most recent Battlefield, two different but similar games, and one for last-gen consoles, the other for PCs and current-gen consoles. And have the current-gen version be the live-service version, the last-gen one would be a one-and-done affair (other than bug fixes). Heck, maybe just release the campaign only for Xbox One, and do it single-player only. Campaign co-op and multiplayer would be only for current-gen.

They promised, after the outcry with Halo 5 not including it, that split screen co-op would return in the next game. That was a staple of the halo franchise. Really disappointing that they've let that go.

I was hoping 343 was just going to drop Xbox One support for splitscreen co-op since I was figuring that's what was holding it back, but not altogether.

Whatever the reason is, it sucks. For me, that's a big part of what made Halo special. My best gaming memories are of Halo CE couch co-op. They really shit the bed here.

So, a 10 month season 2..... I think they should just say "Sorry, we don't have the ability to produce content for this game at a reasonable pace. So, we're launching everything we have ready in November 2022, then moving on to development of the next game. We'll provide ongoing support for Forge and the existing PvP content. But, no further content will be produced." With the first two seasons lasting a total of 16 months, I don't see how they can keep anyone other than the core halo players that have been with the series for 15 or 20 years in the game. I thought this was supposed to be an attempt to bring in a wider audience. But, I'd say that is now all but impossible. Better to take the lessons learned and work on a new game that can launch in a few years, with maybe a beefed up studio that can produce content more regularly, and try to get it right next time. They produced a solid game here, but they're not equipped to run a live service game. They need to get themselves in a position to do that.

Forge and Custom Games Browser should be launching together. One does not work as intended without the other. 343 just does not have the number of developers needed to run a live service properly. No one is denying how massive Forge will be. Halo 5's forge had a 1600 item limit. Infinite's forge has a 7000 item limit. On top of the advanced scripting for further customization. But not having CGB just massively loses so much of the appeal that's coming with forge. That cancellation of splitscreen co-op too hurts like hell! But tbh, I haven't used splitscreen really in any game since Halo Reach probably, unless it's a forced splitscreen like It Takes Two. Also, a Winter Update not being called Season 3 despite it being the length of a full season is very weird lol.

Same, I dont really play split screen unless its against my kids in mario kart. in an fps... i prefer my own screen and someone else can have their own screen and we can co-op that way.

I'm a big fan of split-screen co-op in FPSs when one player gets the top of the screen and the other the bottom, for an ultra-wide view. Losing that option does hurt, for sure. I know that couch co-op isn't nearly as popular as it used to be, so this is likely the right call for 343, even if we don't like it. And one advantage of the Series S being so inexpensive is that it's a great second or third Xbox for the household (a Series X in the living room, with Series S units in bedrooms, dens, etc.). So online/LAN co-op is probably the way to go for most households these days.

Imagine how bad it would have been if the game had launched in 2020, as originally planned.

No split screen Coop? Literally the ONLY reason I even considered getting this game? The ONLY reason I got a second Xbox Series X controller? You know, the one thing that has always made Halo stand out? Cancelled entirely? Not even just delayed? Highly disappointing. It was the only thing on the system so far that actually excited me. AH WELL!

Wonder what Bonnie Ross thinks about this.. https://twitter.com/i/status/834842559935451137 ""We've also had a lot of learnings along the way," Ross says above. "When we fell down with multiplayer launch of MCC, or when we didn't put split-screen in with Halo 5, it was incredibly painful for the community and for us. It erodes trust with the community, as the community is a part of our world-building. A lot of learnings from that. I would say, for any FPS going out will have always have split-screen in going forward."" But at least they are dropping it now instead of constantly promising it..

I mean this is totally outrageous. What on EARTH is going on at 343. That said, this November update (in terms of adding two new maps and a new mode + forge beta) is identical in substance to the launch of Season 2 minus some cosmetic items.

Split-screen co-op getting cut sucks. Everything else I'm not surprised about. It's not worth put much time into the game until it's properly fixed.

Studio will be closed in all probability.

They rushed them bad! Spencer was breathing down their necks to fcken release an incomplete package! Now the people will have to be patient and suffer hahaha instead of getting it all day one u gonna have to wait for 2 years...

When this was first announced as not coming out at launch, I was mad. Then I heard the delay was only for campaign, and I felt better, since my main concern was playing split-screen online. And then I tried it. Ugh. Is it really too much to ask for them to code split-screen so it fills of the entire screen? lol

I don't like that they aren't doing couch co-op with Infinite.

At first I read it as Co-op and Forge delayed to March 2023, I was actually freaking out

Yeah I made that mistake several times.

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