Clear skies. Low 71F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..
Clear skies. Low 71F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.
UPTON, Mass. – Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School students competed at the 58th annual SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, June 20-24.
The highlight of the conference is the SkillsUSA Championships, where more than 6,500 career and technical education students – all state contest winners from across the nation – compete in 108 hands-on skill and leadership competitions. Students work against the clock and each other, proving their expertise in occupations such as electronics, computer-aided drafting, precision machining, medical assisting, and culinary arts.
In the third and final stage of the SkillsUSA competition series, BVT had 27 students compete, earning seven gold and one bronze medal. Additionally, their four National Voting Delegates successfully campaigned for Hunter Claflin, who was elected to serve as a National Officer for the 2022-2023 school year. Also, all contestants who earned medals or met a threshold contest score for their event as an indicator of proficiency were awarded Skill Point Certificates.
The following Blackstone students from BVT placed in the top 10 at the championships and earned Skill Point Certificates. More details are available at
• National Voting Delegate: Haley McKinnon
• Gold: Daniel Cardone, Web Design
• Bronze: Allana Atstupenas, CNC Turning Specialist
• Fifth place: Andrew Konicki, Entrepreneurship; and Kyle Penta, Entrepreneurship
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