Warframe Update 2.13 Slashes Out for Veilbreaker Patch 32 This September 7

2022-09-10 04:01:40 By : Ms. Tina Wang

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Warframe update 21.3 is now live across all platforms, and this brings the big Veilbreaker Update 32 content into the game, alongside new items, gameplay adjustments and loads more! Read on for the Warfarme Veilbreaker Update 32 patch notes.

Size: 2.3GB (PC), 2.2GB (PS4), 6.6GB (PS5)

Although The New War is largely over, Narmer’s enslavement of the Origin System continues. But who is in control of Narmer now? Many Grineer and others remain imprisoned and helpless under the crushing influence of the Narmer Veil.

Enter Kahl-175. Having survived his brush with the Sentients, and now free from their shackles, he emerges as the Origin System’s newest savior. Wield his explosive Grineer armaments as you race against time to rescue your Brothers from Narmer’s oppressive clutches. Battle Archons alongside your Squadmates, meet the 50th Warframe Styanax*, take on all-new Missions, bend time with the Protea Caladrius Collection, and much more! 

This update also has a heavy focus on Quality of Life (QOL) changes including a rework to Spearguns, the three starter Warframes (Excalibur, Mag, and Volt), improvements to Riven database collecting, a whole slew of  Warframe Augment Mod buffs, and more to be discovered below. 

*50th Warframe Styanax Giveaway: Login today until September 21st to receive Styanax (includes Warframe Slot and Orokin Reactor) in-game via Inbox message! Please note that the inbox will be sent 15-20 minutes after the update has gone live, which may require you to re-log if you jump into the update right after it has downloaded.

A note from the Dev team: 

With Veilbreaker comes a weekly approach to the systems introduced in this update. We want a variety of options for players to plan Daily, Weekly, and Evergreen goals. 

For Kahl’s Veilbreaking (and Kahl’s Garrison), we’re pushing Kahl’s weekly Garrison ‘Break Narmer’ missions to begin next week to give the team more time to polish the content. In the meantime, you can fully experience the Veilbreaker introductory Quest, Archon Hunts, and the Archon Shard System with Update 32: Veilbreaker.

With this goal of polishing comes the compromise that some of the rewards are also delayed a week, but we would rather have a more enjoyable experience vs. a rushed one. What that means for you is the free-path items through the new Chipper character, such as new Kahl cosmetics, new Mods, Styanax blueprints, new weapon blueprints etc., will be accessible when Kahl’s Break Narmer weekly missions begin. These missions are the only path to obtaining Stock, the currency used in Chipper’s offerings. 

Once you have completed the Veilbreaker introductory quest, the following gameplay systems become available:

* More detailed information on the above systems is provided in dedicated sections below. 

Update 32 includes the following code changes and fixes from PC Hotfix 31.5.4 and the new Veilbreaker content! 

Kahl-175 returns! In this solo introductory quest, witness the state of the Origin System following the events of The New War through the perspective of Grineer Lancer Kahl-175. Though Narmer’s leadership was shattered by the Tenno, many have yet to escape the Veil’s influence. With a new devotion to his Grineer brothers, Kahl partners with an unlikely ally to rescue those still imprisoned. 

Quest Prerequisite: You must have The New War quest completed in order to unlock the Veilbreaker Quest in your Codex. 

Completing the quest will reward you with the Archon Shard Helminth Segment Blueprint to install on your Helminth. 


Upon completion of the Quest, Tenno will gain access to KAHL’S GARRISON, a new Syndicate located in the Drifter’s Camp on Earth. Next week you’ll get access to Rank up with this Syndicate by completing weekly Garrison Assignments to unlock new vendors in the camp, and customize Kahl with earned customizations. 

‘Break Narmer’ Garrison Assignments – COMING NEXT WEEK!

Garrison Assignments are one-per-week solo missions available at Kahl in the Drifter’s Camp. Play as Kahl to continue his heroic task of freeing more victims from the Veil. 

There are three unique Kahl driven missions accessible through Garrison Assignments. Additional challenges are presented during these Assignments and are optional to complete. Completing these challenges rewards a new currency called Stock (more on this below) that can be spent in Kahl’s Garrison.   

New Somachord Songs! – COMING NEXT WEEK! 

Four new Somarchord Songs are available to unlock by finding Somachord Fragments located throughout Garrison Assignment missions. 

Since Kahl is not equipped with a scanner of his own, these Fragments can be collected by interacting with them to pick up. 

Rank up Kahl’s Garrison – COMING NEXT WEEK!

This Syndicate auto-ranks with weekly gameplay progress rather than needing Standing! Unlocking ranks means building up the Garrison with new faces and opportunities. 


Stock is the currency used to purchase items in Kahl’s Garrison. Collect them via Garrison Assignments to spend on:

New Archon Warframe Mods – COMING NEXT WEEK

A new collection of Warframe Mods has landed in Kahl’s Garrison! They offer an increase of core stats with added effects for elemental damage dealing abilities.  

*Stats shown below are all at max rank.

Archon Continuity   +55% Ability Duration. Abilities that inflict a Toxin Status Effect will also apply a Corrosive Status Effect.    Archon Stretch:  +45% Ability Range. Abilities that deal Electricity Damage restore +2 Energy/s over 5s. 

Archon Vitality:  +440% Health. Status Effects from Abilities that deal Heat Damage will be applied twice.   Please note that we are aware of this not working with some fire abilities e.g. Ember’s Fire Blast, this will be corrected in a future Hotfix/Update.

Archon Flow: +275% Energy Max. Enemies killed by Cold Damage have a 10% chance to drop an Energy Orb. Cooldown: 10s.

Archon Intensify:  +30% Ability Strength. Restoring Health with abilities grants +30% Ability Strength for 10s. 

Kahl Customizations – COMING NEXT WEEK 

Kahl’s Garrison will be present in your Drifter Camp following the completion of the Veilbreaker Quest. Visit Kahl-175 there and refresh his uniform with a variety of customization options. Equipped with Voidshell technology and a variety of Helmet and Attachment options, players can kit him with a unique look that would make his Brothers proud. 

Leg, shoulder, and chest Armor you own can also be equipped on Kahl! 


Upon completion of the Veilbreaker Quest, you will unlock Archon Hunts. Archon Hunts are a new class of weekly Mission that are available each week. Now, you can tackle these Narmer experiments with a full squad at your side! 

Archon Hunts can be started from the tracking console in Kahl’s Garrison (releasing next week), or through navigation. Equip your Arsenal for a true test of your formidable power as Old foes re-join the fray. 

Face veiled opponents as you navigate familiar locations through Narmer-controlled parts of the Origin System. In an Archon Hunt, Tenno must complete three missions of increasing difficulty with additional restrictions. Only one Archon Hunt is available each week, so players can try their hand at completing it solo, or tackling it with a squad. For every player in the squad, enemies grow in strength (+50% Health and Shields per). While the Archon Hunt can be replayed, the rewards will only drop once. 

Restrictions are also present for added impact:

Similar to Arbitrations, Bonuses for certain Warframes and weapons are applied for the duration of that Archon Hunt. These bonuses are unique to you!

These missions are intended to be challenging, so select your loadouts carefully to overcome your obstacles and take down your opponents.

The team is aware and investigating a bug where the Archons will sometimes take exorbitant amounts of damage; we are looking to resolve this soon.

Tenno who fought in The New War will remember the types of enemies that can be found in Archon Hunts. Alongside Veiled enemies, you will face Deacons. Deacons that once patrolled the Narmer-controlled system are now searching for more units to grow their flock of devout Veiled followers. Beware Tenno, coming in contact with the Deacons will be far more dangerous than your previous encounters, thanks to the posse that marches alongside them. A Deacon will stay unscathed unless you can deal with their surrounding troops first.

The final mission of the ARCHON HUNT will always be an Assasination – or ‘Archon Hunt’ mission – Tenno must take up arms against an Archon to complete the Hunt and earn themselves a great reward. Each weekly rotation of an Archon Hunt will feature a new Archon to defeat – Boreal, Amar, or Nira.

The Archons are not how you remember them, Tenno. Since your time fighting them solo in The New War, they have grown stronger. Each of the three Archons have received a rework to increase their difficulty level.

Their greater resistance to damage, harder-hitting attacks, and new methods of trickery make them a formidable foe – a well-equipped loadout and/or a resourceful squad are necessities to defeating these reworked Archons.

Completing all three Archon Hunt missions awards you an Archon Shard – alongside a random reward from the reward pool. Each Archon comes equipped with a different Archon Shard. Each Shard offers unique benefits when equipped to push your arsenal to new heights. As well, each Shard earned has a 20% chance of being Tauforged. You can find more information on Shards in the Archon Shards section below.

The mission reword pool includes: 

We are collecting your feedback in a dedicated Veilbreaker: Update 32 subforum: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1788-update-32-veilbreaker/


Archon Shards are a source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes. Managing these Shards is done through Helminth in your Orbiter – read on below for details on what they are and how to use them. 

Note: To engage with this system you must complete the Veilbreaker Quest!

Archon Shards can be socketed in your Warframes to give permanent* additive (do not scale with mods) stat increases.   

*Permanent in the sense that once socketed to your Warframe those stat increases are sustained unless you decide to un-socket it. Read the “How to Use Archon Shards” section to learn more about that. 

Archon Shards are earned in the two following ways: 

1 x guaranteed Archon Shard is rewarded after successfully completing all three missions in the weekly Archon Hunt.

2. Kahl’s Garrison (COMING SOON):

Kahl offers 1 x Archon Shard a week available for purchase for Stock!

Each Archon drops a specific Shard color with different stat categories associated with it. Socket the same color of Archon Shards in your Warframe to focus on one type of combat advantage, or diversify your Shard usage for a more dynamic approach where you feel appropriate. 

How to Use Archon Shards

After completing the Veilbreaker Quest, an inbox will be delivered to you containing the Archon Shard Helminth Segment Blueprint to install in your Helminth. This unlock a new Menu in your Helminth Segment where you can Socket and Unsocket your hard-earned Shards on your equipped Warframe. Each Warframe has a total of 5 slots available to be filled. 

Installed Archon Shards can be unsocketed to be reused, at the cost of 50% of your Bile Helminth resource pool.

You can also access equipped Archon Shards from the Arsenal. Hovering over one of the Shards will give you access to jump to the Shard management screen in the Helminth if you’d like to make changes. 

Our 50th Warframe STYANAX has arrived! Styanax never wonders how many enemies he will face, only where he can find them. 

Styanax is free now until September 21st just by logging in! Afterwards, he can be purchased via the in-game Market, or his components can be earned through Kahl’s Garrison using Stock (COMING SOON). 

Passive  Styanax’s critical chance increases with his shield strength and doubles for spearguns.

Axios Javelin Throw an Axios Javelin. When the javelin impales an enemy against a wall, surrounding enemies are pulled into the area and suffer a burst of damage. 

Tharros Strike Summon Tharros, the shield of Styanax. Swing Tharros to repel enemies and reduce their shields and armor. Styanax regenerates health for every enemy struck.

*Tharros Strike is Styanax’s Helminth ability! 

Rally Point Draw enemy attention to Styanax. His resolve uplifts nearby allies, regenerating the squad’s energy over time. Styanax and his allies also regenerate shields for every kill assist they contribute. 

*Rally Point is Styanax’s Railjack ability!

Final Stand Exude might and valor. Rise into the air and throw a barrage of Axios Javelins. The javelins deal damage to nearby enemies wherever they land. Direct hits to enemies deal greater damage.


Styanax’s speargun matches his might. Throw Afentis to pin an enemy and nearby enemies will also be stunned. Throw Afentis onto the ground to create a field that buffs allies. When allies bolstered by Afentis kill an enemy, they maintain the buff for a short time after they leave the field.

The Afentis blueprint can be purchased for Stock in Kahl’s Garrison. *Reminder that we’re pushing Kahl’s weekly Garrison ‘Break Narmer’ missions (this includes access to the Garrison) to begin next week to give the team more time to polish the content. 

Styanax Synmora Helmet Remember your courage with each step. An elite helmet for Styanax.

Styanax Agogean Helmet  Love the light of dawn even as you know the shadow of death. A distinguished helmet for Styanax.

Lanex Syandana A syandana for the intrepid.

Styanax Leverian  Visit Drusus Leverian to uncover the origins of this battle hardened Warframe. 

A distinguished look befits a decorated warrior. This collection includes the Styanax Synmora Helmet, Styanax Agogean Helmet, Lanex Syandana, Styanax Voidshell Skin with Fieldron Form  Material Structure, and Tharros and Axios Display decoration. 


The Slaytra is a powerful reiteration of the traditional Grineer Machete that doubles the duration of bleed from slash damage.

The Slaytra blueprint can be purchased for Stock in Kahl’s Garrison. *Reminder that we’re pushing Kahl’s weekly Garrison ‘Break Narmer’ missions (this includes access to the Garrison) to begin next week to give the team more time to polish the content. 

What the Aegrit lacks in quantity it makes up for in destructive power. Toss the Aegrit onto your enemy’s position then detonate remotely at the right moment for maximum destructive effect.

The Aegrit blueprint can be purchased for Stock in Kahl’s Garrison. *Reminder that we’re pushing Kahl’s weekly Garrison ‘Break Narmer’ missions (this includes access to the Garrison) to begin next week to give the team more time to polish the content. 

VEILBREAKER WARRIOR PACK Stand by your brothers in arms and defend the defenseless with the items in this pack:

Items marked with a * are exclusive to this pack for a limited time. In an effort to continue to make Supporter packs more player-friendly, everything else listed can either be purchased separately from the in-game Market for Platinum or can be earned (Slaytra Machete, Afentis Speargun, Aegrit Thrown Weapon). The free path to the listed weapons will be available next week with the release of Kahl’s Garrison. 

The latest and greatest in the Void has brought forth ethereal capabilities for these Warframes. Don the morphic material created in the Zariman Void Jump. 

Styanax Voidshell Collection  Includes Styanax Voidshell Skin and the Fieldron Form material structure. 

Excalibur Voidshell Collection Includes the Excalibur Voidshell Skin and the Lunaro Striker material structure.   Wukong Voidshell Collection Includes the Wukong Voidshell Skin and the Rubedo Impression material structure. 

Nova Voidshell Collection  Includes the Nova Voidshell Skin and the Pearlescent Plastid material structure. 

Void Adornment Bundle II Collect them all! Wukong, Excalibur, and Nova Voidshell skin with their material structures are available in this bundle. 

These new Voidshell Collections are available for purchase in the in-game Market. 

Take command. Eliminate your adversaries. Restore order. The Protea Caladrius Collection  contains the: 

Protea Caladrius Skin Take command. Eliminate your adversaries. Restore order.

Daecret Tonkor Skin Guardians of the highest order merit a dignified look.

Monitivus Thrown Weapon Skin Sometimes elegance goes well with destructive power.

The Protea Caladrius Collection is available for purchase in the in-game Market. 

Styanax Community Display Encapsulate the power of Styanax in this stunning display from TBGkaru.

Kahl-175 Community Glyph Unveil your support for the veil-breaking warrior, Kahl-175, with this amazing community Glyph by MissMagicka

The Styanax Community Display and Kahl-175 Community Glyph are available for purchase in the in-game Market. 

Find the latest in TennoGen realness in the in-game Market! 


This next (very large) section of the notes focuses on the QOL changes/fixes that are a core part of this update. It will cover the following: 

An important note before diving into the QoL segments of these patch notes: 

Looking at the list above, this update touches a significant amount of existing content!  Many Tenno may have their loadouts affected by these changes, especially those to Warframes and AOE weapons. Historically, reworks that apply to resource-devoted gear have been met by a friendly compensation Inbox message, so players can expect the same in this case!

We hope you enjoy these free items by logging in before December 31st at 11:59PM ET: 

PLUS to those eligible (accounts that own Primed Fulmination and/or Primed Firestorm), 20k Endo + 500k Credits will be delivered in a separate Inbox message! 

We are collecting your feedback in a dedicated Veilbreaker: Update 32 subforum: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1788-update-32-veilbreaker/


The classic trio has been revisited for a bit of a facelift! Our goals were to make all abilities relevant, while simplifying some mechanics for new players to better understand. The changes are as follows:

Electric Shield (all changes below are specific to its carrying mechanic)

Wukong is a top performer as a mobile and tanky Warframe. Celestial Twin has had the ability to effortlessly carry players through most content thanks to the Twin doing a lot of the heavy lifting. In an effort to encourage a more harmonious work relationship between Wukong and his Twin, we have made the following above adjustments:  

Revenant’s Mesmer Skin Change: 

Mesa’s Ballistic Battery Changes: 

In Update 31.2, we buffed a number of underused Warframe augments. The time has come to continue this work! This batch tackles Warframes from Loki to Rhino (of which there are surprisingly many!). We have increased their viability in missions, which we hope will  encourage more build diversity. 

*Stats below are all at Max Rank.

Loki’s Safeguard Switch 

Mag’s Fracturing Crush 

Mesa’s Staggering Shield 

Mesa’s Ballistic Bullseye 

Nezha’s Pyroclastic Flow 

Nova’s Neutron Star 

Nyx’s Pacifying Bolts 

Octavia’s Partitioned Mallet 

Revenant’s Blinding Reave 

Rhino’s Reinforcing Stomp 

Rhino’s Piercing Roar 

Oberon’s Hallowed Reckoning 

Armor is a fundamental part of Warframe’s balance, but the act of stripping armor has always been somewhat hard to gauge. Currently, when an armor stripping Ability is cast it uses the target’s current armor as the base for its calculation. This means that you may have to cast that Ability several times on the same enemy in order to strip their armor completely.

Players have adapted to this system by maximizing Ability Strength to the point where the armor stripping effect is as close to 100% as possible – thus reducing the number of casts required to strip armor to one. 

In the effort of encouraging build diversity and streamlining the way that armor stripping abilities work, we are making the following changes:

ALL Armor Stripping Warframe abilities now apply to the TOTAL armor value.

How it worked before: You cast an ability that strips 50% Armor. The first cast will reduce the foe’s Armor to 50%, the second cast will reduce the armor to 25%, taking half of the existing 50%. This was the case for every ability except Oberon’s Reckoning, and special exceptions like Shattering Impact.

How it works now: Casting an ability that strips 50% Armor will reduce their Armor to 50% on the first cast, and 0% on the second cast. 

This applies to every single Armor removal ability in the game. We have also buffed a few of these abilities in the process to bring them up to a usable level in light of these changes: 


Area of Effect (AoE) weapons are a pretty dominant aspect of Warframe gameplay, especially affected by the removal of self-damage a few years ago. We want AoE weapons to feel impactful, but we feel their current state needs adjustment.

Before we get into the specific ‘WHAT’ of the changes to AoE, let’s talk about the broad ‘WHY’ of these changes. There are 3 core reasons:   1) “Can this be automated?”  Currently, some explosive weapons and playstyles remove the need to aim, or otherwise care about your surroundings.  This doesn’t fit the “automated” category perfectly, but we want such impactful weapons to require more consideration and tactical decision making than currently exists. 

2) “Is this overly dominant?”  Warframe is a game full of very powerful tactics, but problems arise when players feel ‘forced’ to use specific choices. The top 5 most popular weapons are all AoE, accounting for 47% of all weapon usage at high Mastery Rank AOE usage stats. In situations where efficiency is important, some would say you aren’t playing ‘correctly’ if you’re not utilizing these choices, which some players don’t necessarily find fun.   3) “Is this playstyle disruptive to other players?”  A majority of sessions are played co-op, so ideally everybody gets a chance to play. We’ve reached a point where players are asking us to change these weapons, because they leave so little for others to do. 

With our motivations clear, we can now get into specifics. We approached this change in a multitude of ways:

We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up. 

Ammo drop types have been simplified to Primary, Secondary and Heavy ammo. We have eliminated the Sniper and Shotgun ammo types. ‘Ammo Pickup’ is also a new property on every weapon, it indicates the amount of ammo you get when picking up an ammo box. 

We also increased base ammo pickup values as follows: 

Ammo Pickup Overrides The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category. 

Primary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides  1 Ammo per Pick Up:

5 Ammo per Pick Up: 

10 Ammo per Pick Up: 

15 Ammo per Pick Up: 

20 Ammo per Pick Up: 

60 Ammo per Pick up: 

Primary Weapons with Ammo Regen Rates Overrides: 

Secondary Weapon Ammo Pick up Overrides:  3 Ammo per Pick Up: 

4 Ammo per Pick Up: 

5 Ammo per Pick Up: 

20 Ammo per Pick Up: 

Many weapons have also had their maximum ammo capacity adjusted. Primary Weapons:

Secondary Weapons with Ammo Regen Rates Overrides: 

We also reduced the frequency of ammo drops from enemies and made them scale with squad size. 

On average you’ll be getting Ammo drops half as often, but most weapons with the aforementioned increase of pickup values receive twice as much. 

Eximus will now have a guaranteed drop of either Primary OR Secondary Ammo in addition to existing base enemy ammo drops.

Made the following changes to Mods/Arcanes in light of the above ammo changes (stats shown at max rank): 

Deployable Ammo Restores now restore 1x (for small), 2x (for medium), and 3x (for large) Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick up amounts every 15s for 60s. 

We’ll be keeping a close eye on how these ammo changes affect specific weapons’ performance and popularity. Expect more tweaks to these values in future updates!

1. b) Holster Speed Buffs & Mod Changes

These changes to Ammo encourage swapping between weapons, so we’ve taken the opportunity to dramatically increase the swapping speed between Primary and Secondary. The real purpose of your Secondary weapon is for it to be a backup to your Primary, but with the holster speeds the way they were before that vision was not realized – until now! 

In light of the overall speed buff to holster speed, we have made the following changes to the mods and Arcanes that offered holster speed stat increases: 

(All stats below are shown at max rank)

Speed Holster Aura Mod: 

Primary/Secondary Dexterity Arcane: 

Reflex Draw, Soft Hands, Twitch (Conclave): 

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage. 

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

Finally, we’ve changed the effects on a few specific mods that increase explosive radius. 

The mods Primed Firestorm and Primed Fulmination both offered a 66% increase in explosive radius, which is being reduced to 44%, matching the increase offered by other Primed mods. Primed Mods traditionally offer around double the value of the base Mods, but these two offered tripled value. This change is reflective of the Primed Mod standard. 

We were also seeing an influx of players using the Furax with the Amalgam Furax Body Count mod as AoE weapons have become more and more prevalent. So we removed its +20% Blast Radius on Specialized Launchers and replaced it with +45% Fire Rate for Secondary Weapons. 

In light of the above changes, we have also buffed the following mods: 

4. New Steel Path Missions: Void Fissures

While evaluating AoE, we found another angle of consideration: mission design. Specifically Fissure missions where AoE lethality is common and problematic. For each new Prime Access, we ask players to revisit these lower level missions to open Relics – in Lith missions it can be difficult to even earn Reactant if you kill too quickly! Which leads us to the following addition of Steel Path Void Fissure Missions. 

If you are an experienced Warframe player, you are extremely familiar with the Void Fissure mission flow: Select Relic and blitz through enemies to crack it. It is obvious that where Void Fissure missions are, they are far too easy and can be completed with little to no friction (looking at you Lith). Ultimately, this makes the Prime content not as engaging as it could be, while also leaving new players behind in the dust as the experienced rip through enemies before they can get to them. 

The solution: Steel Path Void Fissure missions. 

When enabling Steel Path in Navigation, Void Fissure missions in the World State Window will now have the usual Steel Path flare apply (Acolytes, difficulty modifiers, etc.). To make it worth your while, 1 x Steel Essence is also awarded for every Relic you crack. 

As you can see, we’ve evaluated the problem from many different angles, and are hopeful that these changes will lead to a healthier gamestate overall. As part of our comprehensive AOE review pass, we focused on weapons with Ammo Pools. We are aware of the way Glaive/Thrown Melees behave and are reviewing closely to see if their dominance will require a revision pass as well. But as always, we’ll be watching for your feedback. So bring your AoE weapons into a mission and get a good feel for it (with all of the above in mind) before you share your thoughts. 

We have changed the way that Spear Guns function in-game to help increase their viability in mission. Based on overwhelming community feedback we’ve:

Spear Guns have also received new throw animations and updated sound FX on reload, plus a new Spear Gun category has been added when searching for weapons in the Arsenal. 

We have decoupled the need to wear an affiliated Syndicate Sigil to gain Standing in-mission. Meaning Syndicate Sigils are now purely cosmetic! 

*Pledging is only available for the 6 Faction Syndicates: Steel Meridian, New Loka, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, Red Veil, and The Perrin Sequence. 

In their place, you now have the ability to Pledge allegiance to a Syndicate to increase your Standing with them and their allies. We have also removed the Rank-specific Standing bonuses inherent with Sigils. Now, Pledging will earn you 15% of Affinity gain (previously the top rank 5 Sigil bonus) as Standing in that Syndicate, regardless of your Rank. 

Pledging is done in the Syndicate segment in your Orbiter. You will be able to select which Syndicate to Pledge to after accessing your Syndicate Segment following this update. Should you change your mind, you can simply select the ‘Change Pledge’ button and select a new Syndicate to pledge yourself to. Alternatively, you can Rescind your Pledge if you are unsure what Syndicate to commit to. 

To help with managing your Standing across Syndicates, pledging allegiance now better displays the Syndicate’s relationship status with the other Syndicates (neutral, enemy, or allied).

Those familiar with Rivens may be aware that they come in two states: Veiled and Unveiled. Both of these kinds of Rivens take up Riven Slots and can be equipped to weapons. 

After many years in the case of Riven collectors vs. database restrictions, we’ve added a third state to Rivens that allows them to be stackable and not take up Riven Slots. All newly acquired Rivens will be in this indistinct state, identified by ‘???’ in place of ‘Veiled’ in their Mod label and a new Mod Icon, , meaning you will be able to continue to earn Rivens as rewards beyond your Riven Slot capacity. 

In this new, these Mods will not show Riven Challenges or take up a Riven Slot until they are equipped onto a weapon. The Mod description for this new Mod type explains this mechanic as well.

Here is a breakdown of the three Riven states for clarity:

Since the only number we have to track with this new Riven state is the quantity owned, the database load is greatly diminished, and you can keep as many as you want! Only once a mod of this type is equipped onto a weapon does the challenge reveal itself, making the Riven apply to your account cap. This is a particularly useful change for Sorties, as you will no longer be locked out of playing them if you are at your maximum Riven cap. 

A confirmation screen will appear after attempting to equip the Riven, and will display the amount of Riven slots you have available before you commit to equipping it and using up a slot. 

Acquisition of new Riven mods from Vendors and other reward drops now give Indistinct Rivens.   

We have made some changes to Unairu’s Passive ‘Last Gasp’ to improve its convenience and usability.


This is a follow up to other Solar Rail Junction changes we have made this year, specifically in Update: 31.5 and Hotfix 31.6.4. As part of the same initiative to improve new player progression through the Junctions, this batch of changes has a predominant focus on the unreliable difficulty level of Specters; they do far too much damage but also have very low health, so either you get nuked to oblivion or vice versa. In an effort to level out the playing field, we have done a review of the biggest pain point Specters and made adjustments. 

General Junction Changes & Fixes:

Valkyr (Ceres to Jupiter) 

Ember (Jupiter to Saturn) 

As mentioned on Devstream #163, we have made changes to the Gilding system to make it easier to access the full power of your Modular items earlier on in-game. For those players that have just completed the Second Dream and are looking to craft a more powerful Amp to help you into and beyond The New War – these changes are for you! 

Instead of upon Gilding, modular weapons will now have their full stats available upon ranking up to Level 30. Gilding your Modular weapon now serves the purpose of allowing it to earn Mastery and unlock customization. This allows players to have access to more powerful gear without needing to fully level and earn Standing for the respective Syndicates! 

OPERATOR TRANSFERENCE CHANGE:  We have drastically reduced the cooldown on Operator Transference. 

In Update 31.5: Angels of the Zariman, we made changes to Operator Transference to make it Client-Authoritative to alleviate the common scenario of latency. After the change was made, players noted that there was now a cooldown in between Transferences that was causing delays when performed back to back. We have made improvements so that the cooldown is much less felt. It is worth noting that there are still some idle animation bugs that can happen at zero cooldown, but the improvement will be noticeable regardless. 

On the introduction of Overguard, we mentioned that we would be improving how some ability mechanics function with Overguard, this is a continuation of those efforts. So we have made several changes, the majority of which cover how Overguard reacts with lifesteal. 

If there are any other cases where Lifesteal isn’t applying from Overguard, please let us know on the Forums and we will take a look!


With Baro Ki’Teer’s inventory fully synced on all platforms, the team has progressed toward the following Cross Play objective: syncing all world-state content. This sync includes everything from Sorties, Void Fissures, Day/Night cycle, Town Vendors, Bounties, and everything in between that has a timer system. Additionally, the Relays active/destroyed on PC now apply to the console Star Chart, making them synced across the board. We had aspirations to do a “Relay Rebuilding” event, but to get Cross Play sooner than later, we’ve decided to forgo that idea. 

Our next objective is the public Cross Play test between select Platforms to gather feedback and bugs. Expect news about those tests, hopefully soon!

SISTERS OF PARVOS ARMOR Built for espionage and accounting alike, a set of Sisters of Parvos armor is now in the hands of the Tenno! 

These armor pieces are equippable on both Warframes and Kahl: 

These armor pieces are available for purchase directly in the in-game Market.  

Note that while we are only releasing one of the Sisters of Parvos sets initially shown in the art for the Sisters of Parvos update, our goal is to have all three sets available in the future! 


Note:  We showed a new Landing Craft on Devstream #163, but there were some issues with it so it is not launching this update, but will be coming in the future! 

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